Em 1970, auge da Ditatura Militar, a seleção brasileira de futebol conquistou a Copa do Mundo, no México, tornando-se a primeira seleção tricampeã mundial. Foi a primeira copa a ser televisionada. Enquanto a população delirava com o futebol e a economia atingia vivia o que se chamou de “Milagre Econômico”, presos políticos eram torturados e mortos em celas de presídios e quartéis militares, e a censura crescia exponencialmente.
Em Pra Frente Brasil, Romy aborda de maneira irônica este cenário A obra foi comissionada para o projeto Encontros na Ilha, da 9ª Bienal do Mercosul, que reuniu um grupo de artista e intelectuais com o intuito de produzir trabalhos e reflexões sobre Ilha da Pólvora (ou Ilha do Presídio), em Porto Alegre.
At the peak of Brazil's military dictatorship, the Brazilian national soccer team won the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, becoming the first three-time world champion. It was the first time that a match was broadcasted through television to the Brazilian people. While the people raved over the best national team ever and the economy reached the peak of the so-called "Economic Miracle", political prisoners were being tortured and killed in penitentiary cells and army headquarters and the censorship against any manifestation opposed to the government grew exponentially.
Pra frente Brasil ironically recall this event. The work was a commission for the project "Encounters on the Island" within the 9th Mercosul Biennial, which brought together a group of artists and intellectuals in order to generate works and reflections on the Gunpowder or Penitenciary Island, in Porto Alegre.